Hello All,
My Name is Priscilla and I’ll be sharing with you all regular updates on Project Malachi.
I’m sure most of you are aware of this Project and our intentions to house the homeless within the Redbridge community. This week I wanted to share a little about my relation to the project and encourage you all to get involved.
For as long as I’ve been a member of the Ilford Salvation army I’ve always known them to be a corps that is dedicated to a greater cause. They are continually searching and pushing for change within the local community with effects that will hopefully have an impact worldwide.
Being a volunteer at the Redbridge Cold Weather Centre for two years now has been a unique experience. The Shelter is essentially an amazing community team as everyone within the borough of Redbridge join together to cook, house and provide a warm environment for the fortunate within the community for the duration of November to March.
As March comes to an end at the shelter, it's always so sad to hear of stories of people that are returning to sleeping rough as they don’t have access to government funding.
After hearing the story behind Project Malachi I knew I wanted to get involved, one way or another. The ability to almost, in essence, be a disciple and somewhat turn five fish and two loads of bread into something that can feed thousands. That’s what we are doing but on a smaller scale.
Using the resources of store tins to create a home for the homeless.
What does project Malachi mean to me?
To mean it represents giving back. Giving people the chance of a fresh start and the opportunity to live life to the full.
Many of us take for granted the mere necessities we have in life.
To me, Project Malachi is providing a means to help them find their way out.
To find out more and speak to those that are involved be sure to attend the pop-up event this month. Please register here.
Rsvp for event on the 29th at 11 am –popuphostel.org/launch