This week we took the opportunity to visit PLACE Ladywell in Lewisham to learn more about different types of modular buildings. The visit was set up by Keith Prince, the GLA Assembly Member for Redbridge and Havering. Keith has been a strong supporter of Project Malachi and we were glad to take the opportunity to get an insight into the philosophy and quality of this type of modular construction.
We were given a tour of the development by Osama Shoush of Lewisham Council who explained that the while the site might be temporary, the type of construction means that the building is permanent since it can be relocated to any other viable site. This opens up the opportunity for what can be done when a short-term lease comes to completion and gave us food for thought for Project Malachi and what could happen after the lease at Chadwick Road is complete. The other thing that we were really impressed with was the quality of public consultation that took place. We hope that this can be replicated with Project Malachi. While there are a number of differences between the development we are working on, and that of PLACE Ladywell, it was exciting to see the way land is being used to accommodate people as quickly and effectively as possible.
Our thanks to Keith for arranging the visit, and to Osama from Lewisham Council for hosting us!
Our plan is to give an update like this on the project each week. We're also going to include a few points for people to pray about as the project develops.
Please pray for:
- The Project Steering Group - for continued wisdom and diligence as the different work streams make progress.
- The demolition of the building - the asbestos has been removed, and signs have now gone up on fencing around the building to notify that the demolition is imminent. Please pray for safety as this takes place.
- The Sponsoring Committee - in the coming weeks, our team of faith leaders from Redbridge will be reaching out to their respective communities for different types of support - spiritual, financial, time. Please pray for a good response to their efforts.